Your partner in health and wellness at sea and on land

Thyrocare is located at Kootampuli and at KMC clinic you can able to undergo master health checkup with 50 percent discount.

At KMC Clinic, you can get medical fitness to process visa and to travel to abroad

KMC Clinic is an approved center by DG shipping to conduct pre sea, periodical , medical certification

Thyrocare is located at Kootampuli and at KMC clinic you can able to undergo master health checkup with 50 percent discount.
HealthPlix Doctor Consultation - For Medical Illness
Instruction / Step by Step Procedure for mobile app
Download the App using the link given
Once you have downloaded then open the app,
Login using Mobile Number
There you can select doctor from the list provided.
If you cannot find our name, then click on Search with Doctor code
and enter HP21982 in the code
Select King of Kings Mighty care clinic
proceed to payment and start online consultation