Your partner in health and wellness at sea and on land

Thyrocare is located at Kootampuli and at KMC clinic you can able to undergo master health checkup with 50 percent discount.

At KMC Clinic, you can get medical fitness to process visa and to travel to abroad

KMC Clinic is an approved center by DG shipping to conduct pre sea, periodical , medical certification

Thyrocare is located at Kootampuli and at KMC clinic you can able to undergo master health checkup with 50 percent discount.
Elementary First aid Videos | EFA Course |KMC Clinic
Our Medical Clinic offers elementary first aid videos to help you learn the basics of first aid. During your efa course, these videos cover topics such as how to apply a bandage, how to treat minor burns, how to recognize signs of shock, and more. With step-by-step guidance, you can easily learn the fundamentals of first aid and be prepared for any emergency situation. View our elementary first aid videos today and get the knowledge you need to stay safe. Happy learning with efa course.