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EFA Training | Elementary First Aid | PDF Training Material | Free

Elementary First Aid Course Material

Learn Basic First aid Online

Basic First aid is the immediate care given to the victim of an accident or sudden illness before the arrival of a qualified expert. The purpose of First-aid is to preserve life, assist recovery, prevent aggravation and minimize complications at a later date with the help of such material as may be available. 


மலேரியா ஒட்டுண்ணியை கண்டறிவதற்கான புற ஸ்மியர்

 Loss of Power, Deformity

 Do not move the injured unless the life is

endangered from other causes.

 Deal with the haemorrhage and breathing

IgM, ஆன்டிபாடி சோதனை

IgM கண்டறிதல் சோதனை

விரைவான சோதனை

IgM, ஆன்டிபாடி சோதனை

ஆன்டிஜென் அடிப்படையிலான சோதனை

EFA Training

பல்கலைக்கழகத்தின் பெயர்

 Solid – Do not try to remove, scratch or

probe it.

 Insects – Put a few drops of water in the ear

and turn the head so that affected ear points


 Keep the head in that position for 5 minutes,

then turn the head downwards so that the

water flows out.

 Arrange immediate medical aid

EFA Training


 The sting bite should be pulled out.

 Apply cold compression.

 Apply vinegar diluted with water.

 Soda-bicarbonate paste should be applied at

the site.

 Prevent shock.

 Send for medial aid immediately. 

EFA Training


 Make the patient sit on a Chair with head


 Pinch the nose with fingers and thumb.

 Apply ice or cold compression.

 Do not plug the nostrils.

 Do not put water or any medicine through

the nostrils.

 Send for medical aid immediately. 

EFA Training

தேடல் முடிவுகள்

 Remove the patient from the source

 Clean the airways.

 Restore breathing by artificial respiration.

 Send the patient to the hospital. 

EFA Training


 Immediate washing of the eye with clean

water at least for fifteen minute or longer.

 Apply sterile dressing over the eye.

 Neutralising agents or ointments should not

be used.

 Send the patient to the hospital.

EFA Training


 No time should be lost in sending the patient

to the hospital.

 Keep the patient flat on his back.

 Give nothing by mouth.

 Maintain warmth.

 If intestines protrude from the wound, do not

attempt to touch or replace them.

 Apply sterile dressing and binder on the


 Provide immediate transportation to the


EFA Training


 Reassure the patient

 Do not allow the person to run or walk

 Apply a ligature above the wound (in

between the heart and the wound) if the bite

is in the leg or hand.

 Wash the wound with potassium

permanganate solution or with soap and


 Allow free bleeding.

 Never suck the blood from the wound.

 Treat for shock.

 Arrange immediate hospitalization, by

transporting the patient in a lying down


EFA Training


 Lay the patient with the head slightly raised.

 Incline the head to the affected side and

apply a dry dressing over the ear with loose


 Do not plug the ear.

 Apply pressure in front of the ear.

 Send for medical aid immediately.

EFA Training


 Stop the bleeding, if any.

 Avoid touching the wounds.

 Cover the wound with sterilized cloth.

 Arrange immediate medical aid.

EFA Training


 Find the nature of the poison

 Give universal antidote mixture as given

below to drink:

Charcoal powder - 2 table spoons

Coffee powder - 2 table spoons

Chalk powder - 1 table spoon

Add it to a glass of warm water and mix well.

 Send the patient immediately to the hospital. 

EFA Training


எங்கள் இடம்

water at least for fifteen minute or longer.

 Apply sterile dressing over the eye.

 Neutralising agents or ointments should not


 Send the patient to the hospital.

EFA Training


 Fracture of backbone may lead to paralysis

of limbs. Hence, victim should be handled

with great care.

 Transport on a rigid frame, which may be

improvised by using available board.

 The rigid frame is to be placed on a stretcher

for transportation.

 Immediate hospitalization is needed.

EFA Training


 Make the patient lie down.

 Remove all clothings except the underwear.

 Keep the patient under the fan.

 Pour cold water on the body repeatedly.

 Wash the head thoroughly with cold water

and dry it with towel.

 Record body temperature falls up to 38ºC

stop pouring water.

 Give plenty of cold water with a pinch of

common salt in each glass of water to drink.

 Send the patient to the hospital.

EFA Training


 Clean the wound immediately with water.

 Then wash with antiseptic soap and water.

 Do not try to stop bleeding.

 Do not cover the wound.

 Send the patient to hospital for treatment.

EFA Training


 Removal of foreign body should not be


 Do not apply oil or ointment.

 Apply sterile pad and loose bandage.

 Send the patient to the hospital.

EFA Training


 Lay the patient on his back.

 Stop bleeding, if any.

 Relieve pain by supporting the injured part.

 Keep the patient comfortable.

 Do not cause sweating.

 Fluids may be given by mouth in small

amounts, if the patient is conscious.

 Reassure the patient.

 Arrange immediate medical aid. 

EFA Training


 Do not touch the casualty while he is still in

contact with electricity.

 Switch off the current at once.

 Do not attempt first aid until the contact has

been broken.

 Make the air passage clear and clean.

 Restore breathing Artificial respiration and

external cardiac massage, if needed.

 Call for immediate medical aid.

 Send the patient to the hospital. 

EFA Training


 Make the patient lie down on his belly with

head turned to one side.

 Check breathing and pulse.

 Loosen tight clothings.

 Clean the air-way.

 Give artificial respiration and external

Cardiac Massage, if needed.

 Transport the patient to the hospital


 Apply direct pressure by thumb or finger.

 Apply dressing – gauze pad and bandage.

 Apply indirect pressure on pressure points.

 Apply tourniquet.

 Remove the injured to the hospital.

Dr Kingson 

 Mouth to Mouth: This is appropriate and

effective technique for emergency artificial


 Keep the head slightly backward and open

the jaw.

 Seal the casualty’s nose to prevent escape

of air by pinching with thumb and index


 Take a deep breath, open your mouth

widely, place it over the victim’s mouth and

make a tight seal.

 Quickly blow the full breath into the mouth of


 Remove your mouth from the victim and

allow him to exhale passively.

 Repeat the procedure 12 to 15 times per

minute, till medical aid is arranged.

 Arrange immediate medical aid. 

உங்கள் ஆரோக்கியத்தை கவனித்துக்கொள்வது

 Do not give mouth to mouth resuscitation

during CPR in the presence of toxins such

as cyanide, hydrogen sulphide, corrosives

and organo-phosphates. Ventilate the

casualty by using a face mask or

bag/valve/mask assembly.

 Avoid mouth to mouth resuscitation if there

is possibility of transmission of infection

between the victim and the rescuer, such as

HIV, Hepatitis-B, Tuberculosis, Shigellosis,

Meningococcal meningitis, Herpes simplex

virus and Salmonella. Use an interpositional

airway device which must function effectively

in both its resuscitation and protective roles,

and be immediately available at all times.

நீரிழிவு நோயைக் கட்டுப்படுத்தும் சிகிச்சை., உயர் இரத்த அழுத்தம், இதய நோய்

Place the person on their back and open their airways
Place the person carefully on their back and kneel beside their chest. Tilt their head back slightly by lifting their chin. 
Open their mouth and check for any obstruction, such as food or vomit. Remove any obstruction if it is loose. If it is not loose, trying to grasp it may push it farther into the airway. 

அனைத்து வகையான தனிப்பட்ட உடல்நலப் பிரச்சினைகளுக்கும் ஆலோசனை வழங்குதல், விரைவில் பிரச்சனைகளைக் கண்டறிந்து கண்டறிதல்

Check for breathing
Place your ear next the person’s mouth and listen for no more than 10 seconds. If you do not hear breathing, or you only hear occasional gasps, begin CPR.
If someone is unconscious but still breathing, do not perform CPR. Instead, if they do not seem to have a spinal injury, place them in the recovery position. Keep monitoring their breathing and perform CPR if they stop breathing. 

அதிர்ச்சி மேலாண்மை

Step 1. Perform 30 chest compressions
Place one of your hands on top of the other and clasp them together. With the heel of the hands and straight elbows, push hard and fast in the center of the chest, slightly below the nipples. 
Push at least 2 inches deep. Compress their chest at a rate of least 100 times per minute. Let the chest rise fully between compressions.
Step 2. Perform two rescue breaths
Making sure their mouth is clear, tilt their head back slightly and lift their chin. Pinch their nose shut, place your mouth fully over theirs, and blow to make their chest rise. 
If their chest does not rise with the first breath, retilt their head. If their chest still does not rise with a second breath, the person might be choking.
Step 3. Repeat

Repeat the cycle of 30 chest compressions and two rescue breaths until the person starts breathing or help arrives. If an AED arrives, carry on performing CPR until the machine is set up and ready to use.


De Fibrillation

If the Person is still in unconsious state, Avail AED device and give successful defibrillation.

மருத்துவ மையம் பற்றி

Step 1. Call for Support First, check the scene for factors that could put you in danger, such as traffic, fire, or falling masonry. Next, check the person. Do they need help? Tap their shoulder and shout, “Are you OK?”  If they are not responding, call emergency number or ask a bystander to call emergency number before performing CPR. If possible, ask a bystander to go and search for an AED machine. People can find these in offices and many other public buildings.
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